Above The Code Video Set
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The Above The Code set consists of five individual downloads that teach you how to lock-in a straight golf shot alignment in relation to your body with one simple movement of one or more knees in a precise manner to an exact degree. Some instructions require such knee movement to occur after immediately gripping both of your hands on your club while others require such knee movement between the time of gripping your left hand and your right hand on your club.
These are the same types of techniques that are covered in the Above The Code golf book, each of which lock-in laser-straight golf shot alignments in relation to your body.
If you apply each instructional step of the Above The Code Video set faithfully, you will be so locked-in to your body, ball and target at final address that you must then keep your head absolutely steady with your eyes focused squarely on the top of your ball from “takeaway” to impact during your swing to hit the straightest golf shots of your lifetime.